RTCYPP News 23.02.2021
Executive Director of the Office of RTCYPP, Salpy Eskidjian participates in the webinar on “Diplomacy and Religion” and shares her knowledge and experience of the Religious Track of the Cyprus Peace Process under the Auspices of the Embassy of Sweden(RTCYPP).
During the webinar, organised by the Swedish Dialogue Institute for the Middle East and North Africa, four prominent speakers reflected on the importance of “religious literacy” for diplomats, the role faith-based organisations play in peace and security, as well as socio-economic development.
Illustrations from Cyprus, Jerusalem and Riyadh showcased why it is important for diplomats and staff of intergovernmental bodies, development agencies and others to have basic knowledge on religion and its interface with human rights, peacebuilding, development & human security.
“Initiatives that introduce and enhance religious literacy in the world of diplomacy are extremely timely, needed and very welcome”, said Salpy Eskidjian. "We note the positive impact of various aid programmes when EU, the UN and member states involve or engage with faith communities and their religious leaders, especially in places where faith and belief play a large part in shaping customs, practices, identity and frameworks of well- being. Grateful to have had the opportunity to share about the RTCYPP which remains a unique example of religious diplomacy in a protracted conflict, not just in the region but globally, supported by the Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden since 2010. “
The virtual meeting brought over 40 participants from the Swedish Foreign ministry, embassies, SIDA and other specialized agencies.
The session was moderated by Ambassador Charlotta Sparre, Director of the Swedish Dialogue Institute; with Prof. Azza Karam - Secretary General of Religions for Peace, Ambassador Ulrika Sundberg - Sweden’s Special Envoy to OIC for Interreligious and Intercultural Dialogue, Mr Georg Andrén - Governor and Head of the County Administrative Board in Värlmand and Mrs Merete Bilde, policy advisor at the EEAS on issues at the cross section of religion and foreign policy as panellists. (RTCYPP News 23.2.2021)
Photos from RTCYPP Archives 2018 - Ambassador Olsson Vrang of Sweden hosts the first High Level meeting of the RTCYPP with the 5 main Religious Leaders Of Cyprus and the diplomatic corps.