RTCYPP News 26.10.2021
Such a privilege for the Office of RTCYPP to welcome Sweden’s Ambassador for Gender Equality & Coordinator for Its Feminist foreign policy, Her Excellency Sofia Calltorp to the Home for Cooperation and a unique opportunity to have dialogue with the Greek & Turkish Cypriot Co-chairpersons of the Technical Committee on Gender Equality, respected women leaders in Cyprus, including colleagues from the Good offices of the UN Secretary General & UNFICYP.
“Having Ambassador Calltorp among us was not just inspiring, but a unique opportunity to come together with some of the prominent pillars of Cyprus struggle for gender equality, peace & security, to learn from Sweden’s experience & look for practical ways to build viable peace & a sustainable society based on rights.” Said Salpy Eskidjian, Director of the Office of RTCYPP.
The visit of Ambassador Calltorp was hosted and organized by the Embassy of Sweden in Nicosia led by Deputy Head of mission Mr Bengt Baedecke and Mrs Michaela Calonius.