RTCYPP News 2.10.2020

RTCYPP News 2.10.2020

Ten years of peacebuilding efforts later, the Religious Track of the Cyprus Peace Process under the Auspices of the Embassy of Sweden (RTCYPP) has brought about significant changes for religious freedom on the island through dialogue & cooperation.
The religious leaders of Cyprus who lead the RTCYPP, their respective clerical order and members of the faith communities, both young and old, have started to work together in ways like never before in the modern history of Cyprus.
To mark our ten-year anniversary, Office of RTCYPP will be highlighting some of those places where we have made a positive difference, celebrating the achievements of the RTCYPP & inspiring others to join in to ensure the full respect of religious freedom for everyone, everywhere.
First in our series for this month, we have the privilege to introduce the clerics responsible for two of the most significant religious monuments and places of worship in Cyprus - Hala Sultan Tekke and the Monastery of Apostolos Barnabas.
Stay tuned for more.
Posted in Articles, News.